

We must not spurn the opportunity God gives us. Security comes only by following God’s wisdom now.


Proverbs 1:24-27(NLT)
24 "I called you so often, but you wouldn’t come. I reached out to you, but you paid no attention. 25 You ignored my advice and rejected the correction I offered. 26 So I will laugh when you are in trouble! I will mock you when disaster overtakes you— 27 when calamity overtakes you like a storm, when disaster engulfs you like a cyclone, and anguish and distress overwhelm you.



     Most of us realize burglaries can happen at any moment of time to any household or business. However, with security systems persons can lessen the risk of burglary with a security system for their home or business and loved ones insuring a level of protection break-ins.

These same security systems are also a security mechanism when a fire strikes, and every second counts. Your security system will notify the fire department allowing you and your family to get to safety. We would all like to have Peace of mind which is knowing that your security system will not fail when you need it most.

There is something also known as maximum security, which declares or suggests that any threat is kept away by the highest security measures that can be provided, and there are some very real super threats that bring fear into ones heart; therefore, maximum security is advised and should be listened to.

One last security description is that of Supermax which is associated with prisons, and it is (short for "super-maximum security"). Supermax is used to describe "extreme control-units" in prisons, or units within prisons, which represent the most secure levels of custody in the prison systems of certain countries.  Are you in the highest lever of security in Christ. The objective is to provide long term, segregated housing for inmates classified as the highest security risks in the prison system—the "worst of the worst" criminals, and those who pose a threat to national and international security.  Being that we are in the custody of the Lord, He keeps us separate and sealed until the day of redemption, even though we are in the world, but not of it! We are not threats to God, but God's enemies are a threat to His children, therefore we must be kept under tight security.

There are all types of security systems, and they were designed due to the fear of people who feel their way of life and the maintaining of what is rightfully belonging to them will be taken away. So the employ security.

I used this analogy to initiate this observation; now the devil in John 10:10(NLT) is characterized as a thief and states what his purpose is: 10The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life. The apostles, the prophet, the evangelist, the pastors, and the teachers have tried as corrections officers of God,to impart in many the fact a security network was needed in their lives, because the adversary, goes looking for vulnerable sheep, and even some rebellious sheep who think they have it all together and dismiss all of the wisdom of God. God has reached out to his people, He has chided (scolded or rebuked) us for our actions that are contrary to His instructions, and have gone into our own carnal zone. What we do not realize in our disobedience and arrogance, that we will need the security of God, which is the blood and grace of Jesus Christ, to shield us from those things that rise up against us. You see when you are covered by Christ’s maximum security blood and grace, all those that rise up against will stumble and fall, but if you don’t have His maximum security, you will be the one to fall and face storms of calamity, and if calamity is not bad enough you face mocking as you are being overwhelmed by the cyclones of disaster without protection and are powerless to fend off your turmoil. Without Jesus’ maximum security the fear of guilt can take control of you life, and instance of guilty fear such as experienced by Adam and Eve in Gen 3:8-13, the guards at Jesus’ tomb Matt 28:4 ; Judas in Matt 27:3-5, and even the devil in Devils Jam 2:19

But you do not have fear for you can sign up for a maximum security policy where the premium was has already been paid in full, and all you would have to do is revere the Lord with a repentant heart, eat in His presence and fear Him always. Ref Deut. 14:23

Latest comments

04.02 | 22:39

Excellent and insightful message Bishop. Very thought provoking and with spiritual revelation that produces answers to questions and praye

25.04 | 23:27

I truly appreciate the message on Leadership at the House of Prayer in Sumter, SC.

05.04 | 16:53

Be blessed one and all, truly these are inspired words coming from the bishop

09.03 | 14:29

Reaching others with writings of encouragement, thought invoking tidbits as I receive from the Lord to share. Be blessed and Love the Lord Jesus Christ withal!