Blessings of Jesus' Blood


         With resurrection Sunday approaching, I was having a conversation with a colleague of mine in the Gospel regarding the sacrifice and blood shedding of Jesus Christ on Good Friday. For it was on Good Friday that Jesus was crucified on the Cross at Calvary, also known as Golgotha interpreted by Matthew and Mark’s Gospel as the place of the Skull, and in conversing the significance of the Blood as Scripture declares in Hebrews 9:22 (NKJV) 22 And according to the law almost all things are purified with blood, and without shedding of blood there is no remission (In Essence a commentary, No shed blood means no reversal of Sin, where the repentant heart would receive Salvation which equals Deliverance). Therefore, the only thing that could cleanse me, you, and deliver me and you out of our Sins was the shed blood of God Jesus Christ at that place called Calvary.
          While conversing a Holy impartation occurred within my spirit with this word BLOOD, and the impartation was in the form of an acronym: Blessed Lord Of Our Deliverance B.L.O.O.D. For it is only by the shed blood of Jesus that we are delivered.
Therefore please (hash) # tag share or (hash) # tag pass it on B.L.O.O.D. (Blessed Lord OOur Deliverance) and let us not let the shedding of His blood be in vain in our lives.

Hope it blesses you as it did me, Love all of you!

Latest comments

04.02 | 22:39

Excellent and insightful message Bishop. Very thought provoking and with spiritual revelation that produces answers to questions and praye

25.04 | 23:27

I truly appreciate the message on Leadership at the House of Prayer in Sumter, SC.

05.04 | 16:53

Be blessed one and all, truly these are inspired words coming from the bishop

09.03 | 14:29

Reaching others with writings of encouragement, thought invoking tidbits as I receive from the Lord to share. Be blessed and Love the Lord Jesus Christ withal!